6 Months!
Zoe turned 6 months old on Saturday!
She had her 6 month checkup on Monday and everything seems to be going great. Well, Mike and I think everything is going great but the doc said he didn't agree with the Developmental Center's opinion that Zoe doesn't need therapy. "What the heck does she need therapy for?" was our response. He thinks that Zoe is weak because she hasn't rolled over yet. Well, she is about the size of a 3 month old and she's a lot stronger than a 3 month old. We're working on the rolling over, she's almost there. Don't mess with my daughter.
Her new stats are:
Weight 11lbs. 10oz. (5lbs. 9oz. at birth)
Head 43cm. (not sure what it was at birth)
Height 22 3/4" (16" at birth)
She is still below the charts with her height and weight and above the average for her head circumference. She's steadily growing at her own rate--that's what matters.
Nicknames to add to her list: little pukester, dwarf baby.
Zoe likes to sleep with something soft touching her face, usually a burp cloth or blanket. I will let her fall asleep like this but then I take it off. I'm too scared that she'll suffocate.
Zoe always manages to get one of her socks off. She'll either pull it off when she's playing with her feet or she'll work it off by rubbing her feet on things. It's really funny to watch her do it.
She is finally too big for all of her newborn clothes. Her 0-3 month clothes fit her the best and she has some 3-6 month clothes that kind of fit.
We have officially started Zoe on rice cereal. She eats it twice a day and in about 2 weeks we'll start feeding her baby food also. Zoe loves eating like a big girl. She opens her mouth really wide for the spoon and tries holding it with me.
Zoe can sit up on her own now.
But sometimes she tips over!
At 10:09 AM ,
Jean said...
Zoe, you are adorable! It is so fun to see you sitting up.
At 2:59 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I wouldn't worry about Zoe not rolling over yet either. I think I mentioned this before, but neither of my kids rolled over until they were 7 months old and they are developing just fine. Besides her cuteness totally out-weighs any "flaws" the doctor might think she has. :)
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