She's a Growin'
Good news today! I went to my doctor for the bi-weekly ultrasound to measure the baby. She now weighs approximately 5 pounds 11 ounces. She grew almost a pound in two weeks. This puts her in the 40th percentile. Although her limbs are still lagging behind in growth by a couple of weeks, they do seem to be catching up.
My doctor was satisfied with this new information and suggested that I continue my daily routine of bed rest (at home), drinking two Ensure Plus drinks a day, daily kick counts, and eating lots. He suggested that even though I got really good news today I don't take advantage of it and start doing too much. What I've been doing is obviously working (thanks to the kick-start I got in the hospital) so I should just keep doing it until the baby is born.
My doctor also checked my cervix today to see if any changes had occurred. To my surprise he told me that my cervix has begun to soften, but that I haven't dilated any. This doesn't mean that I'm necessarily going to go into labor soon, it just means that my pregnancy is progressing normally. He will check my cervix again next week to see if there has been any more progression. I can hardly believe that the time is almost here!
My doctor was satisfied with this new information and suggested that I continue my daily routine of bed rest (at home), drinking two Ensure Plus drinks a day, daily kick counts, and eating lots. He suggested that even though I got really good news today I don't take advantage of it and start doing too much. What I've been doing is obviously working (thanks to the kick-start I got in the hospital) so I should just keep doing it until the baby is born.
My doctor also checked my cervix today to see if any changes had occurred. To my surprise he told me that my cervix has begun to soften, but that I haven't dilated any. This doesn't mean that I'm necessarily going to go into labor soon, it just means that my pregnancy is progressing normally. He will check my cervix again next week to see if there has been any more progression. I can hardly believe that the time is almost here!
At 10:04 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Hey girl. When I read your blog this morning, I was trying to remember when you are due and I couldn't. So, I went to the blog that lists your trimester dates and couldn't believe that you're due that soon!! That's so awesome! Less than a month! I'm glad to hear that everything is going well and I hope it continues to go well! You're in my prayer girl! Enjoy your last few weeks!
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