Hospital food is actually pretty good!
Yep, I'm in the Hospital. But before images of ER or of tubes hanging out of my nose start flashing in your mind, let me rewind to last Monday.
On Monday, March 26, I went in for my weekly doctor's appointment. I came in to have a non-stress test (NST) at the recommendation of the high risk OB. During the test, my doctor was concerned at the baby's lack of movement. Her heartbeat was strong, she just wasn't moving that much. And her movements on the monitor weren't coordinating with when I would feel her kick. So, my doctor had me go home and come back on Tuesday after eating a big lunch for a second (NST). He was looking to see if there would be better coordination and movement. Again, my doctor didn't really like what he saw, so he sent me down the hall to meet with the high risk OB for a high-tech ultra sound. The high risk OB confirmed that the baby had grown. (Thanks to everyone who has been shoveling food into my mouth for the past week!). The baby is sitting at about 3 lbs. 9 oz. (up from 3 lbs. 1 oz.). However, last Monday she was 9 days behind schedule, and now she's 12 days behind schedule. (So, more milkshakes please!)
So, the high risk OB and my doctor consulted on Tuesday and decided to admit me in the hospital for a few days. They want to monitor the baby more regularly in a controlled environment. Not that there is anything particularly wrong, but on the side of caution, they want to get a better benchmark for the baby's movement. In general, a good indication that things are going well is when the mother feels the baby kick. However, even when the monitor shows that the baby is moving, I don't always feel her. So, they want to monitor the baby on a more regular basis to make sure that even though I'm not always feeling her, that she is in fact moving. With any luck, I'll be out of here by Friday or Saturday. If my doctor (now doctors) don't like the results of my stress tests, then I'll stay here a little longer.
So, for anyone who hasn't stayed overnight in a hospital for a while, here's the scoop. (At least at the Presbyterian Hospital of Plano). I get my own room and bathroom. I have a TV and DVD player. The nurses are extremely nice, but to Mike's dismay, they don't have the physical characteristics of TV nurses (like on ER, Scrubs, or Grey's Anatomy). Mike has a skinny couch that he can sleep on. What's funny is that the width of the couch is about two feet, so Mike has to sleep on his side and wedge a chair in front of him to keep him from rolling off the couch. He says it's pretty uncomfortable and recommends a twin size air matress for anyone that plans to stay with someone overnight at a hospital.
BUT WHAT ABOUT THE FOOD!?! Well, I completely expected the food to be gross, frozen- dinner-like quality. But it's actually really good! I get a menu and can order 3 meals a day. Each comes with an appetizer, salad, main course, dessert, and drink. Examples of what I can get include: grilled salmon with coconut dill cream; beef tenderloin with portabella burgandy sauce; and my favorite - homemade three cheese lasagna wrap. Mmmm.. I think I'll get that again for dinner.
So, basically I eat, sleep, get monitored, and eat and sleep some more. Other than that, the nurses just stop by and check on me every once in a while. I'll keep ya'll updated if there are any changes.
On Monday, March 26, I went in for my weekly doctor's appointment. I came in to have a non-stress test (NST) at the recommendation of the high risk OB. During the test, my doctor was concerned at the baby's lack of movement. Her heartbeat was strong, she just wasn't moving that much. And her movements on the monitor weren't coordinating with when I would feel her kick. So, my doctor had me go home and come back on Tuesday after eating a big lunch for a second (NST). He was looking to see if there would be better coordination and movement. Again, my doctor didn't really like what he saw, so he sent me down the hall to meet with the high risk OB for a high-tech ultra sound. The high risk OB confirmed that the baby had grown. (Thanks to everyone who has been shoveling food into my mouth for the past week!). The baby is sitting at about 3 lbs. 9 oz. (up from 3 lbs. 1 oz.). However, last Monday she was 9 days behind schedule, and now she's 12 days behind schedule. (So, more milkshakes please!)
So, the high risk OB and my doctor consulted on Tuesday and decided to admit me in the hospital for a few days. They want to monitor the baby more regularly in a controlled environment. Not that there is anything particularly wrong, but on the side of caution, they want to get a better benchmark for the baby's movement. In general, a good indication that things are going well is when the mother feels the baby kick. However, even when the monitor shows that the baby is moving, I don't always feel her. So, they want to monitor the baby on a more regular basis to make sure that even though I'm not always feeling her, that she is in fact moving. With any luck, I'll be out of here by Friday or Saturday. If my doctor (now doctors) don't like the results of my stress tests, then I'll stay here a little longer.
So, for anyone who hasn't stayed overnight in a hospital for a while, here's the scoop. (At least at the Presbyterian Hospital of Plano). I get my own room and bathroom. I have a TV and DVD player. The nurses are extremely nice, but to Mike's dismay, they don't have the physical characteristics of TV nurses (like on ER, Scrubs, or Grey's Anatomy). Mike has a skinny couch that he can sleep on. What's funny is that the width of the couch is about two feet, so Mike has to sleep on his side and wedge a chair in front of him to keep him from rolling off the couch. He says it's pretty uncomfortable and recommends a twin size air matress for anyone that plans to stay with someone overnight at a hospital.
BUT WHAT ABOUT THE FOOD!?! Well, I completely expected the food to be gross, frozen- dinner-like quality. But it's actually really good! I get a menu and can order 3 meals a day. Each comes with an appetizer, salad, main course, dessert, and drink. Examples of what I can get include: grilled salmon with coconut dill cream; beef tenderloin with portabella burgandy sauce; and my favorite - homemade three cheese lasagna wrap. Mmmm.. I think I'll get that again for dinner.
So, basically I eat, sleep, get monitored, and eat and sleep some more. Other than that, the nurses just stop by and check on me every once in a while. I'll keep ya'll updated if there are any changes.
At 3:10 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I'm very sorry to hear that you're cooped up in a hospital bed! I did notice that too, that the food wasn't as bad as I expected. But, you know me, I'm picky, so I still had a little trouble. But, I got chocolate pudding, so that was a plus! I'm also very sorry that I didn't get to come to your shower. I had every intention of coming and then Thursday night, something came up with my family that I couldn't miss! I felt so bad and I really want to make it up to you! Write me and email, and let me know if you might be around anytime soon. I understand with what's going on right now, that you're traveling might be limited, but just in case you're gonna be around, even if it's in Houston, let me know! Again, I'm sorry I missed it, and I hope your hospital stay isn't too bad! Good luck with everything!
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