The Boffo Baby "Zoe" Escapade: From the Mind of Melanie

"BOFFO - EXTREMELY SUCCESSFUL; GREAT" -------------------- (Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language) Follow the mind of Melanie as she tracks her pregnancy and early motherhood!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Boffo Baby Retires

We have moved to a new blog:
It is with mixed feelings that I announce the retirement of this blog--at least until another little burrito comes our way. I started this blog as a way to journal my pregnancy. Now that Zoe is 6 months old Mike and I decided it's time to expand and start a family blog. This new blog will allow us to share other aspects of our lives outside of pregnancy and Zoe events (although, I'm not really sure at this point what other events there are!). So, I'm sure it will still be saturated with Zoe things but we'll also share some other stuff. (The Boffo Baby Escapade blog will still be here for any of you who wish to relive some of the pregnancy and new baby Zoe fun.)

But no worries, join Mike, Melanie, and Zoe over at

We look forward to seeing you there and we hope you enjoy it!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

For Dad and Scott

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Show Off That Pearly White

Zoe has a tooth coming in!

There is some definite whiteness showing through the skin on her bottom front left side. For the past couple of months she has been chewing on anything that she can get into her mouth. Lisa and Megan have been suggesting for a while now that Zoe is teething because of the constant chewing but Mike and I have kind of blown it off assuming that Zoe would be really fussy when she starts to teeth. But she's just a happy little camper. Maybe it'll start to hurt more when it breaks through the skin. (she's aggressively chewing on my arm right now...where did all this slobber come from?!)

Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving in Charlotte

Here are some quick highlights of our Thanksgiving in Charlotte. This was the first time Mike and I have hosted Thanksgiving. It was great spending time with Dad, Janie, Lisa, Megan, Jim, Rachel, Madison, and Ethan. We did lots of eating, lots of shopping, a little bit of walking, and of course some football watching.

(UPDATED) Zoe Meets 'The Machine'

Here are some pictures that Janie captured of Scott and Zoe's first meeting. Aren't these great?!

Zoe, Lisa, Megan, and I drove up to Maryland this weekend to watch Dad and Scott run in the JFK 50 Mile race. It was SO much fun.

Zoe and Scott met for the first time and Zoe had a blast with him. Mike and Scott have similar personalities and I think that confused Zoe a bit. Scott didn't look like Mike but he sure acted silly like him.

Right before the race started. Zoe and I were still at the hotel (it was too early for Zoe to be up and about...she needed her beauty sleep).

Nervous excitement.

Getting re-fueled at an aid station.

Here they come!

The JFK 50 was a new experience for all of us. It was Dad and Scott's first time to run it (see Scott's blog here for his awesome race report) and mine, Lisa, Megan, Zoe, and Janie's first time to watch one. Scott's new nickname is 'The Machine'. You'll understand when you read his race report. It was an experience we will probably never forget.

Zoe was so cute all bundled up in the blankets. I think she liked being in the cold all bundled and cuddled up next to me because she kept falling asleep in my arms. It was so sweet.

It was just a great weekend. It was so much fun to hang out with the family (except Zoe and I missed Mike a lot...he couldn't get time off work 'cause he's still the newbie). And, of course, it's always fun taking a road trip with Lisa and Megan!

North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland are BEAUTIFUL in the Fall!

Click here to see more pictures and a few videos of the weekend (Lisa took 95% of these pictures while I was taking care of Zoe, didn't she do a great job?!).

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Happy Birthday Nana Lynn!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Laundry Day

One end of the basket is a lot more fun than the other.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Steam Roller

Zoe rolled over today! She did it a few times and I tried catching it on video but the little stinker is just too fast for me.

6 Months!

Zoe turned 6 months old on Saturday!

She had her 6 month checkup on Monday and everything seems to be going great. Well, Mike and I think everything is going great but the doc said he didn't agree with the Developmental Center's opinion that Zoe doesn't need therapy. "What the heck does she need therapy for?" was our response. He thinks that Zoe is weak because she hasn't rolled over yet. Well, she is about the size of a 3 month old and she's a lot stronger than a 3 month old. We're working on the rolling over, she's almost there. Don't mess with my daughter.

Her new stats are:
Weight 11lbs. 10oz. (5lbs. 9oz. at birth)
Head 43cm. (not sure what it was at birth)
Height 22 3/4" (16" at birth)

She is still below the charts with her height and weight and above the average for her head circumference. She's steadily growing at her own rate--that's what matters.

Nicknames to add to her list: little pukester, dwarf baby.

Zoe likes to sleep with something soft touching her face, usually a burp cloth or blanket. I will let her fall asleep like this but then I take it off. I'm too scared that she'll suffocate.

Zoe always manages to get one of her socks off. She'll either pull it off when she's playing with her feet or she'll work it off by rubbing her feet on things. It's really funny to watch her do it.

She is finally too big for all of her newborn clothes. Her 0-3 month clothes fit her the best and she has some 3-6 month clothes that kind of fit.

We have officially started Zoe on rice cereal. She eats it twice a day and in about 2 weeks we'll start feeding her baby food also. Zoe loves eating like a big girl. She opens her mouth really wide for the spoon and tries holding it with me.

Zoe can sit up on her own now.

But sometimes she tips over!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Family Home Evening

Do any of you have ideas for fun Family Home Evenings with a baby?

I have found some cool ideas online such as showing Zoe a picture of Jesus and saying "This is Jesus, he loves you". But I'd also like to know what ideas or suggestions you have!

Zoe Updates

Zoe is starting to feel better. On Sunday we started her on breast milk again and she did not throw up. But she did throw up Monday morning...and Monday night...and Tuesday morning. The doctor's office said it is perfectly normal for her to throw up every once in a while while her body is getting rid of the virus. Also, she started having diarrhea on Sunday and that seems to be going away finally. Many loads of laundry and baths later, she's finally getting better!

Also, we heard back from the Geneticist about Zoe's skeletal x-ray--it was normal. Yeah!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

She Caught a Bug

It seems that Zoe has caught a stomach bug.

Monday - Zoe threw up right after drinking her first bottle in the morning. She didn't have a very good appetite the whole day.

Tuesday - She threw up right after drinking her first bottle in the morning, again. Her appetite was worse than Monday.

Wednesday - She threw up right after drinking her first bottle in the morning, again. Her appetite was even worse. I took her to the doctor: no fever, no ear infection, can't feel anything abnormal going on with her stomach, throat and everything else looks fine. I told the doctor that she seemed to be having a little trouble pooping so we thought she might be little constipated, making her not have an appetite. So I started mixing a little prune juice with her milk. Also, the throwing up in the mornings might have been mucus built up during the night causing an upset tummy.

Thursday - She did not throw up in the morning after her first meal. Her appetite was a lot better. Then at 10:30pm she threw up. I put her to sleep without feeding her again and then she threw up 5 more times throughout the night (she didn't have anything in her stomach so it was more like dry heaving).

Friday - After throwing up those 5 times I fed her a couple more times (without the prune juice) and she threw up every time she ate. I took her back to the doctor. Still no fever, ear infection, etc. She also wasn't too dehydrated (Mike and I feared she would have to go to the hospital for IV fluids). We put Zoe on a Pedialyte diet for a while then in the evening we fed her a little bit of milk. She threw it up.

Saturday - Zoe got a little more milk this morning and threw it up. The doctor's office called to check on her and suggested not trying milk again for 24 hours. Zoe does okay with the Pedialyte so we're going to stick with that to let her stomach settle.

She hasn't thrown up again today and she's getting very small doses of Pedialyte every 15 minutes. She's miserable because she's so hungry, her tummy hurts, and she's having a hard time sleeping.

To help Zoe feel better she got a complimentary spa treatment today which included a warm bath, massage, manicure & pedicure (not her favorite part but she needed it), and she got her hair brushed for a long time (she loves getting her hair brushed). She even gets to hang out in her pajamas all day.

Hopefully this is just a stomach bug and will go away soon. If Zoe continues to throw up after eating milk (both formula and breast milk) then we'll have to reevaluate.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Happy Birthday, Mom!

My Grandma's Smile
Cradled in your arms,
Your smile shone down on me.
Wrapped in your love,
I knew who you must be.
Your smile bragged to all,
How you loved me so.
Each time you spoke my name,
Your face wore a Grandma's glow.
Your smile is my welcome mat,
We greet in shared delight.
Your smile is the icing,
That makes my young life sweet.
Your smile is my sunshine,
Even on a rainy day.
You find each ray of happiness,
Fading frowns away.
You've given me a treasure,
A way to hold you close.
Your smile and all it brings,
Will be what I remember most.
-Teri Harison

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Mike's Flixster