5 Months Old!
We got the results from Zoe's evaluation with the Children's Developmental Services. She passed with flying colors and doesn't qualify for any assistance. Yeah! The only two things she's is a little behind on (and the coordinator stressed the 'a little' part) is that she hasn't rolled over yet and when she grasps things with her hands she still uses a palmer grasp (meaning she holds an object with her palm using her fingers to keep it in place vs. using her fingers to hold and move the object). Other than that she's right on target for everything: gross motor skills (holding head up, sitting up with assistance), fine motor skills (reaching out for things, picking things up), cognitive skills (talking), and social skills (responding to things, crying when her friend Brooke cries). I'm not surprised at any of this. Mike and I never really felt like she was behind in anything but since it was free to get her evaluated...why not. She's getting a hearing test with the Developmental Services next week then (as long as she passes) her case will be closed.
Other interesting Zoe facts:
Zoe's hair seems to be falling out. We find her hair everywhere and the back looks like it's starting to thin. But the top middle continues to grow (it kind of looks like a skunk).
Zoe talks and laughs all the time. She has a hard time eating because she talks and sticks her fingers in her mouth while she's trying to suck on the bottle. It's really messy.
She figured out how to make the animal sounds and music play on her activity center and LOVES it.
Zoe's back and neck are getting really strong and she can sit up by herself on my lap (because I can move my legs accordingly so she won't fall over). It's a start. We practice sitting up every day. We have also been practicing the "B" and "D" sounds. Well, I've been saying them to her and she just laughs at me.
Zoe pretty consistently eats about 5oz of milk in a feeding. I think she's just about ready to try rice cereal...maybe a couple more weeks.
At 9:13 PM ,
Jean said...
The pictures are way cute! Especially the top one. What is she in? Way to go Zoe!! Good job on your tests!
At 9:27 PM ,
Melanie said...
She's in her Zoe bag that Lisa (Tickner) gave us.
At 8:45 AM ,
Jean said...
Lisa Mae? The bag is so cute!
At 9:15 AM ,
Scott McMurtrey said...
Way to go Zo Zo!
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