4 Months!
Update from Zoe's 4 month check-up with the doctor today:
Weight: 10lbs (was 5lbs 9oz at birth)
Height: 21.5" (was 16" at birth)
Head Circumference: 41.5cm (not sure what it was at birth)
All these still fall behind on the charts (compared to other babies her age), but she is growing just fine at her own rate. Yeah!
Zoe got her 4 month immunization shots today. She cried so hard that she popped a blood vessel in her left eye. It's a tiny red spot and the nurse said it'll go away on its own. Poor thing.
Next visit is in 2 months. We'll talk about starting Zoe on rice cereal then. Whoa.
Development update:
Zoe can fall asleep on her own now (thanks to all of you who gave me ideas and tips!). During the day she sleeps swaddled in her Miracle Blanket in the car seat with the hood down (so that it will be darker for her). At night she sleeps in her co-sleeper. She will usually cry for a couple minutes before falling asleep. Often though, she falls asleep without even crying.
Zoe loves to coo, squeal, and laugh. She laughs a lot. It's fun.
Zoe reaches for things now. When I'm feeding her she plays with my mouth and nose. When Mike and I read to her she plays with the book. She loves this rattle in the picture because she can wrap her fingers around it. She always tries to eat it.
Zoe used to suck on a finger or two. Now she likes to put all four fingers in her mouth and suck on them. It's so cute! She doesn't only like to suck on her fingers though. She puts everything in her mouth that she can get to it (burp cloth, blanket, flash card, rattle, any toy). We stopped trying to give her a pacifier because she never was interested in it. So I guess we'll deal with getting her to stop sucking her thumb/finger(s) down the road.
When I'm feeding Zoe she is SO not interested in eating. She keeps looking around, playing with her hands, trying to talk while sucking on the bottle. Sometimes I have to swaddle her so that she'll stay still and eat.
Zoe can sit up on her own, with no support, for a couple seconds. Actually, the longest has been about 30 seconds.
Zoe fits into her 0-3 month clothes now but can still wear a lot of her new born sizes. Her feet are still too small for size 1 shoes. She wears a size 1 diaper now.
Zoe 'baby' talks ALL the time. She gets SO excited when Mike and I talk back to her. This is the look she gives every time she's about to say something really important. I say important because she gets this really excited look in her eyes and her shoulders come up before she talks then go down when she says it, her eyes do this fun roll thing, and the excitement in her eyes is just so fun.
At 8:13 PM ,
Travis and Lisa said...
The picture of her in the blue chair is now my wallpaper.
At 9:26 PM ,
Jean said...
I put that picture as my wallpaper, also. It is so cute I emailed it to everyone.
At 9:34 AM ,
Lisa Mae said...
We didn't have one of those seats for Cole. I have heard nothing but great things about them. We will definitely have to get one the next go round.
At 7:46 PM ,
Scott McMurtrey said...
i put the picture on my wall too, but the tape is old and it keeps falling off. :(
At 11:43 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Scott, how you think these things up is beyond me!!
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