A Surprise Gift
Yesterday Zoe and I went to the store Once Upon A Child (a resale shop for kid stuff) to look for, well, anything cool. One of the things Mike and I have been wanting to get Zoe is a swing. We haven't looked super hard but have kind of kept our eyes open for a good deal. Once Upon A Child had a couple good ones but they were more expensive than we're willing to pay (eBay would probably be cheaper...).
As I was leaving the store a lady stopped me and said that she has a 9 month old son who has outgrown his swing. She took it to Once Upon A Child as a donation but they wouldn't take it because they were overstocked with swings. The lady said she was going to go take it to Goodwill but happened to notice that I have a young baby. She asked if I wanted the swing....for free...she would rather give it to me knowing I would use it than take it to Goodwill. Hello!! Of course I wanted it! I thanked her profusely, put it in the car, gave it a good wash when we got home and put Zoe in it.
As you can tell from the pictures, Zoe's not real sure how she feels about it yet.

As I was leaving the store a lady stopped me and said that she has a 9 month old son who has outgrown his swing. She took it to Once Upon A Child as a donation but they wouldn't take it because they were overstocked with swings. The lady said she was going to go take it to Goodwill but happened to notice that I have a young baby. She asked if I wanted the swing....for free...she would rather give it to me knowing I would use it than take it to Goodwill. Hello!! Of course I wanted it! I thanked her profusely, put it in the car, gave it a good wash when we got home and put Zoe in it.
As you can tell from the pictures, Zoe's not real sure how she feels about it yet.
At 11:02 PM ,
Scott McMurtrey said...
I want a swing too.
At 6:48 AM ,
Melanie said...
Remember when mom used to take us to that part in the woods when we were kids? And we would swing so high then jump off and have contests to see who could make it the furthest. And we would also do backflips off the swings.
At 11:55 PM ,
Scott McMurtrey said...
yes! i do remember now that you mention it. fun fun fun. how do you remember this stuff??
At 3:45 PM ,
Travis and Lisa said...
Wait, is this the park where you had one of your birthday parties and we had cake on the picnic tables? That's the only thing I remember about that park.
At 9:46 PM ,
Melanie said...
Scott, I have no idea how I remember that. Probably because Mom took us there about once a week for a long time.
Lisa, yes it's the park you're thinking of. That was an AWESOME birthday party because I got to have it at the park.
Seriously though, remember the animal swings too? And the seesaws. And the merry-go-round. And there was a tennis court that we had to walk by to get to the park.
Seriously good times. The next time we're all in town we should go there.
I think I hold the record for longest comment. And it's my own blog. hehe.
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